
Payment information

You can pay for your purchase as follows:

Credit card


Your data will be captured once you have completed the transaction. Payment by credit card does not incur any additional charges.

Your account will be charged when your goods are dispatched. If your order is dispatched in several parts, we will charge the corresponding invoice amount to your account each time we dispatch a consignment.


Once the transaction is complete, you will be redirected to PayPal. Payment via PayPal does not incur any additional charges.

With PayPal, payment is made during the ordering process. In order to use this payment method, you must have a PayPal account that you can also open during the ordering process. When you opt to pay via PayPal, you will automatically be directed to the website to make the payment. For more information about PayPal, visit Your PayPal account is charged when the order is completed.

Apple Pay

You can use Apple Pay on the iPhone, iPad or Mac with Safari: It's easy without creating an account, entering credit or debit card details or filling out a form.

Apple Pay uses a device-specific number along with a unique transaction code. This means your card number and account details are never stored on devices or Apple servers, and Apple does not share them with retailers when paying.

Google Pay

Pay quickly and easily with your Android smartphone or smartwatch. Google Pay works with numerous debit or credit cards in Germany. You can also store any bank account in Google Pay via PayPal. Your data remains safe and protected.

Google Pay protects your payment information with multiple layers of security. Your card number is never stored on your smartphone, but instead an encrypted virtual account number is used. If you pay higher amounts (depending on the credit institution you have on file), you will also have to unlock your device - but even then you will not have to enter a PIN on the terminal.